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Data & integrations
Data & integrations

Learn about data management, analysis, and integration possibilities with other platforms within Formaloo.

37 articles
About integrationsExplore built-in options and use Make/Zapier for more tools.
How to import data into FormalooImport data into Formaloo from Excel or Google Sheets. Follow simple steps to prepare, upload, and find your imported data.
Formaloo full integration listDiscover Formaloo's extensive integration list, including Google Sheets, Wordpress, Notion, and more.
Formaloo and Integrately connectionEasily connect Formaloo with Integrately for seamless automation.
Importing your Excel to Formaloo: mistakes to avoidLearn essential tips to avoid common mistakes when importing Excel to Formaloo.
Create Webflow forms with logic and paymentEmbed custom forms on Webflow using Formaloo. Copy script code, add an embed field, paste the code, and publish your page.
How to disconnect your Google accountDisconnect your Google account in two simple steps: Go to Profile Settings, then press 'Disconnect Google'.
How to find your API keys on the dashboardFind and access your API keys on the Formaloo dashboard. Follow these simple steps to locate and copy your API keys quickly.
How to add integrations on FormalooLearn how to connect your Formaloo forms and apps to other applications using integrations from the Formaloo's App Store.

Receive real-time notifications and updates about form submissions directly in your Slack channels.

Integrate SlackIntegrate Formaloo with Slack. Open Formaloo, connect to Slack, authorize channels, get notified instantly on submissions.

Connect Formaloo with KonnectzIT to automate data transfer and streamline workflows across platforms.

KonnectzIT IntegrationIntegrate Formaloo with KonnectzIT for advanced workflows.

Integrate Formaloo with to automate data collection and streamline processes for your online business.

Connect Formaloo with other tools using MakeConnect Formaloo with your favorite apps via Make. Follow these steps to integrate seamlessly and automate workflows.

Automate data transfer and streamline workflows by integrating Formaloo with Coda documents and databases.

Create forms in CodaCreate advanced forms in Coda with Formaloo. Collect data, add logic, payments, and sync responses seamlessly.