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Field types

Choose the right question types and fields for your data.

20 articles
How to add/edit folders in the new dashboardOrganize your workspace. Add & Edit folders, change colors, and rename them.
Profile settings on the new dashboardEdit workspace details, custom domain, add/invite team members, view billing & API keys - all under your profile picture.
How to customize text field and long text fieldThese simple fields help you capture short and lengthy responses, ensuring you get all the information you need.
How to customize the content fieldThis field allows you to write rich content, including text, images, links, and even code snippets.
How to enable multiple file Uploads in your formEnable multiple file uploads in forms. Add "Upload" field and allow multiple files in settings.
How to apply OTP verification in your formOTP (One-Time Password) verification is an effective way to protect your forms from unauthorized submissions.