If you want to keep the same URL for new submissions but save previous data separately, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Export form data
First, export your form’s data into an Excel file. This ensures all responses are saved and ready for re-importation, preserving your dataset as you set up the new form.
Step 2 - Import your Excel file
Now that you’ve exported your data, import the Excel file to a new form.
This step allows you to retain all previous responses in a new form while keeping them separate from the new submissions.
Step 3 - Edit the original form for new submissions
With your data saved in a new form, you can edit the original form as needed for new submissions.
Adjust form fields, update settings, or make any other modifications without affecting your saved responses.
Ready for new submissions!
Once you’re satisfied with the updates to the original form, it’s ready to accept new submissions.
You can keep the same URL if you wish or generate a new one, keeping all prior data safe in the duplicated form.