If you want to add selected fields to show based on previous answers, you can use logic and add more fields in the logic settings.
Let's see how to do this:
We have a form with a single-choice question, and 3 other fields (name, email, and address).
We want to show the name and address if the answer is option 1 and the name and email if the answer is option 2.
To do this, click on the question with option 1 and option 2 answers, logic tab will automatically open in the right sidebar. Click on it. Then click on + Add Rule and select that if the answer is option 1 then show name and address, click on + Add More Fields, and choose address too (like shown in the GIF below).
To add a condition when the answer is option 2 to show the name and email, scroll down on the logic tab click on + Add Conditions, and apply the same rule for name and email.
In the end, your logic tab should look like this:
🗄️ Old dashboard:
Save the form and go to the "Logic & Calculator" tab.
Set the logic using the "+ Add More Fields" option.