Learn how to use conditional logic to show or hide fields based on user responses in single-step or multi-step forms.
5 articles
How to use show/hide logic in single-step (classic) formsLearn how to add show/hide logic to your single-step form to display fields dynamically based on user selections.
How to add show/hide logic on multi-step (one question at a time) formsUse logic to skip questions based on user answers. The 'Jump' option operates similarly to the 'Show/Hide' option in single-step forms.
How to Show/Hide multiple fields based on previous answersUse logic settings to show fields based on options chosen. For each option, add relevant fields to display.
How to show different videos based on users' answersDisplay different videos depending on the user's selection by using single-choice questions and logic settings.
How jump logic works with multi-choice questionsFor multi-step forms, use "Jump to" logic to show/hide questions based on previous answers. Add conditions for each option.