You can create your form with single-choice questions and add video fields to your form. Then use the logic to show the related video based on the users' answer.
In the following, you can see how it works:
Here you can see a simple form with a single-choice question and 2 options for the answer.
We want to show video 1, if the answer is option 1, and show the user video 2 if the answer is option 2.
So we should add 2 video files after the question field.
Now, you should set up the logic.
If the answer is option 1,
show video 1
Add rule,
and add another condition:
If the answer is option 2,
show video 2
You can also add your video links to the success pages so that when the user submits the form, based on their answers, they are redirected to the related success page with the related video link.