This tutorial will help you set up an engaging online news hub for your school or organization.
You'll learn how to create a welcoming landing page, manage daily news submissions, and organize content efficiently using various views.
Follow these simple instructions to keep your community informed and connected with ease.
Step 1: Create the welcome page
1-Access the app dashboard:
Log in to your app dashboard to start creating your digital bulletin board.
Open a new form
2-Add a welcome page
Click on "Add Page" and name it "Welcome Page"
On the welcome page, add a friendly greeting message for users, such
Welcome to our school's online news hub! 🎉
Add media:
Include pictures or videos to make the welcome page engaging. You can upload images or embed videos that showcase your school or community.
Include Instructions:
Provide clear instructions or rules for news submissions to guide students. For example:
Please submit your news articles with accurate information and appropriate content. Ensure all submissions include your name, a title, and the news text.
Step 2: Set up the Bulletin board menu
1-Create the bulletin board menu:
Click on "Add Menu" and name it "Bulletin Board."
2- Add "Daily News" Page:
Within the "Bulletin Board" menu, add a new page titled "Daily News."
Insert Gallery view:
Use the
command to insert a gallery view that displays submitted and accepted news articles. Customize the gallery to show relevant fields like title and brief news text.
3- Add "Submit your news" page:
Add another page within the "Bulletin Board" menu titled "Submit your news."
Insert Submission form:
Use the
command to insert a form that students can fill out to submit their news. Ensure the form includes fields for:Name
Title of the News
News Text
Optionally, add fields for uploading images or videos.
Step 3: Set Up the Admin access menu
1- Create the Admin access menu:
Click on "Add Menu" and name it "Admin Access."
2- Add "All submitted news" page:
Within the "Admin Access" menu, add a new page titled "All submitted news."
Insert Table view:
Use the
command to insert a table view that displays all submitted news articles. Admins can view and manage all submissions from this page.
3- Add "News by status" Page:
Add another page within the "Admin Access" menu titled "News by status."
Insert Kanban View:
Use the
command to insert a kanban view that categorizes news submissions based on their status (e.g., Accepted, Rejected).
Add status field:
Ensure the submission form includes a choice field for status. Admins can update this field to reflect the status of each submission.
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Step 4: Customize and filter views
Customize the gallery, table, and kanban views to display the fields you want to share on the bulletin board. This might include the name, title, and a snippet of the news text. Apply filters to the views to control which submissions are shown.
Step 5: Review and publish
Once everything is set up and reviewed, publish your digital bulletin board so that it is accessible to students and administrators.
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