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How to export responses

Download form data as spreadsheets. Choose "New export" or "Download latest export".

Updated over a week ago

To export your data to spreadsheets, first enable the edit mode from the top right side of your app.

The six little dots will appear on the 'Responses' page. Now you can select 'New export' or 'Download latest export' if you've previously downloaded responses.

🗄️ Old dashboard:

To export your data to spreadsheets in the old dashboard, right-click on your form, and select “View responses”. From the responses tab, scroll down and you can see this button:

Download Responses: Where you can export your responses to an Excel spreadsheet.

There is another option for exporting your form results:

Click on the formaloo, on the left menu, and click on "Form Options" > Responses. There you get to the same page where you can download your responses

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