When making changes to your forms or apps, it’s important to save them to avoid losing any updates. Here’s how you can save your progress:
Saving changes in forms
To save any changes made to your form:
After making any edits, adding fields, or modifying your form, click the "Publish" button located at the top right corner of the editor.
This will ensure that all your modifications are saved.
Autosave for apps
For apps, you don't need to manually save your changes:
Autosave is enabled, so the system will automatically save your updates as you go. This makes it easy to make changes without worrying about saving them manually.
Unsaved changes reminder
When leaving the page without saving, users will receive a pop-up message that says:
"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave?"
This prompt gives the option to either Cancel and return to the page or OK to leave without saving the changes.
To prevent losing any modifications, make sure to click Publish before navigating away from the page.
By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your work is saved and up-to-date.