Customize your form settings and optimize your forms for the best user experience.
8 articles
How to change your form’s settingsControl user submissions, set time limits, and redirect users after completion! Explore these settings and more to customize your forms.
How to set up constant redirection to one specific URLRedirect all form submitters to a single URL address after submission.
How to activate or deactivate your formManage the status of your form and survey with one click.
How to set a timer on your formsThe timer feature allows you to set a time limit for users to complete your form.
How to use offline formsUse the Formaloo Android app to submit forms offline. Syncing happens automatically when you're online. (iOS coming soon!)
How to hide the submit button on the formLearn how to hide the submit button on your form to create display-only pages for announcements, terms, FAQs, and more.
How to hide the submit button based on form answersHide the submit button: Use the multi-step form, add a mid-form section, and set logic to prevent early submission.
How to add a Recaptcha to your formCaptcha is added automatically to forms for bot or spam prevention. No need for manual setup.