If you want to prevent submission only under specific conditions, consider using multi-step forms with conditional logic.
Here’s how:
Step 1- Create a Multi-Step form
Begin by setting up a multi-step form for easier control over form navigation.
Step 2- Add a Content field
Insert a Content field in the middle of your questions to use as a checkpoint.
Step 3- Set up conditional logic
Define a logic rule, such as:
If the answer to a specific question is X, then jump back to question 1 (or another chosen question).
This setup creates a loop within the form, preventing submission unless the user selects a specific answer you’ve designated.
Note: Ensure the Section field isn’t placed at the end of the form, as this could still trigger the submit action inadvertently.
Hiding the submit button can be valuable for displaying non-interactive content and keeping your form focused on sharing information rather than collecting responses.
For scenarios where submissions need to be controlled based on specific answers, leveraging multi-step forms with conditional logic offers a flexible solution.