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Logic & calculation basics

Understanding logic basics: simple edits, advanced for complex cross-field and multi-conditional rules.

Updated over a week ago

Here's a list of the sections in Logic and Calculation:

  • Rule: A logic rule consists of a condition and an action declaring what to do when the condition is met

  • Condition: a conditional statement that evaluates to true or false (consisting of one or more conditions chained together using AND and OR)

  • Action: an item from a predefined list of actions

  • Default Logic: there are actually two types of default rules:

    • Always: When the only rule is the default rule, the action will be taken unconditionally, for example: Always Jump to Field X.

    • Otherwise: When there is at least one non-default rule, this default rule will be followed when none of the other conditions are met—kind of a last resort.

Example of logic in Formaloo

🗄️ Old dashboard:

There are two ways to edit a form’s logic:

Basic Logic

In the Dashboard:

  1. Click on the form you’d like to add logic to

  2. Click on the question you'd like to apply logic to. The logic tab will automatically appear on the right sidebar.

You can set basic logic straight from the logic tab on the right sidebar.

In this case, you're setting a rule for every question. This one being, if they select answer X on the question, then question Y will be shown to them—otherwise, question Z.

Basic logic example with Formaloo

🗄️ Old dashboard:

In the dashboard,

  1. Click on the form you’d like to add logic to;

  2. Click on the Logic button located between the “Calculator” and “Duplicate” buttons.

You’ll see a flowchart showing the form’s fields as boxes and arrows connecting fields to indicate how your audience will navigate through fields when filling out the form.

  1. Select the boxes (fields) on the flowchart for which you want to add logic to

  2. In the sidebar, you can start adding rules by clicking on the “Add Logic” button or editing the default rule inputs already present in the box.

You can add multiple rules to a field by clicking the Add Rule button.

Advanced Logic

To start editing the form’s logic in advanced mode, you should click on the Advanced Logic button in the sidebar, once it appears after clicking on the field.

For the most part, it’s the same as the basic mode, but there are two types of limitations that are unlocked here:

  1. Cross-field logic;

  2. Multiple conditions on a single rule.

Advanced logic Formaloo

It can look something like this:

GIF of advanced logic with Formaloo

🗄️ Old dashboard:

To start editing the form’s logic in advanced mode, you need to click on the “Logic & Conditions Setup” button in the sidebar.

For the most part, it’s the same as the basic mode, but there are basically two types of limitations that are unlocked here:

Cross-field Logic

In the basic mode, you can only define logic rules on the selected field. For example, when you’re adding logic to the second field, you do not have access to the first field to check if a condition is met or not. On the other hand, while in Advanced mode, you may reference any other field before the current one.

Multiple conditions on a single rule

As mentioned in the first section, you can use AND/OR operators to build multi-conditional rules. To do so, you have to click on the “Add Condition” button while editing the field’s logic. Please, also note that conditions are added to the rules. So, you need first to add a logic rule, and then you’re able to extend the rule by adding more conditions to it.

When a field’s logic is considered to be Advanced (having cross-field logic or rules consisting of multiple conditions), it won’t be editable in the Basic mode in the sidebar, and you’ll have to view and edit the logic in the Advanced mode.

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