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Create multiple success pages

Create different success messages based on user answers. Use logic to redirect users to the perfect ending for their form journey.

Updated over a week ago

With the multiple success pages feature, you can build forms, quizzes, and surveys that show the success page based on your user’s responses.

You can create more than one success page in your form and then use Logic to redirect users to a specific success page based on their responses.

You have the option to create multiple custom success messages.

These custom success pages allow you to craft unique messages for different scenarios or outcomes.

Instead of sticking to just the default success message, you can create as many custom success pages as needed.

Then, you can use logical conditions to determine which one of these custom messages should be displayed based on the user's responses or actions.

This way, you can provide relevant success messages to your users based on their interactions with your form.

🗄️ Old dashboard:

1. Add a new success page to your form

First, add the “success page” fields you want to have for your form or survey.

Your success pages show up at the end of your formaloo editor page. In addition, you can edit a default success message to be visible when the form is submitted. You can click the “Add Success Page” button or drag it from the left menu into the success messages area if you want more success pages.

You can add text, links, and images to your success messages.

2. Redirect users to the right success page

You can use the Logic page to direct users to the right success page based on their answers. Use Advanced Logic to define what success page should be shown after submission on the logic page.

Add a new If/else condition and use the “After Submit, Go to Success Page” option to choose which success page should be visible in that condition.

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