Open your dashboard, and select the workspace where you want to add your team members.
Invite your team members to your workspace from the workspace members page under the profile picture menu.
Send them the invitation link or enter their email address to send an invitation email to them.
When you invite your team members to the workspace, they will only access any folder or formaloo if you share access with them.
There are two options for your team members:
Admin: This access level includes full ownership accessibilities.
Team member: Edit/view access to the forms/apps on the workspace
Also, on the open page, there are two options to add your team members:
Invite by email
Invite by link
When you add your team members, they should accept it, and log in/sign up to Formaloo.
Share access to forms/folders
People who are added to your workspace will have the same plan as yours. For example, if you're on a Pro plan, your team members will also be upgraded to Pro.
But they will not have access to any form/folder on your workspace unless you share those forms and folders with them.
📝 Additional insights:
⭐ Pro tip:
Each formaloo/folder is only accessible on its hosting workspace. So your team should switch to your workspace to access the formaloos and folders shared with them on that workspace.