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How to create a personality quiz

Easy guide on how to create a personality quiz using logic & calculations.

Updated over a week ago

Creating a personality quiz is a fun and engaging way to provide customized results to your users based on their answers.

This step-by-step guide will help you set up a dynamic quiz that calculates and redirects users to a result page based on their dominant personality type score.


Imagine you're building a personality quiz with five possible personality types:

  • Personality type A: Socializer

  • Personality type B: Innovator

  • Personality type C: Observer

  • Personality type D: Adventurer

At the end of the quiz, users will be redirected to a personalized result page based on the highest score they receive for one of these types.

Step 1: Create the quiz form

Start by creating a quiz form with multiple-choice questions. Each answer will be tied to a specific personality type and will contribute points to that type's score.

personality quiz with logic

Example question:

  • Question 1: When making decisions, you:

    • Option 1: Weigh the pros and cons carefully. (Personality type A: Socializer)

    • Option 2: Trust your gut feeling and intuition. (Personality type B: Innovator)

    • Option 3: Seek advice from others. (Personality type C: Observer)

    • Option 4: I like to have all the information before making a choice. (Personality type D: Adventurer)

Repeat this process for each question in your quiz, ensuring that each option corresponds to one of the four personality types.

Step 2: Add variables for each personality type

Next, you’ll need to create variables to store scores for each personality type. These variables will accumulate points based on the user’s answers.

variable field

Variables stand in for hidden calculated values, can be bound to columns, and can be used as references in other runtime expressions like calculated value controls and rules.


  1. Add a Variable field to your form for each personality type.

  2. Assign an ID and default value ( with 0) to each variable.

Example variable fields:

  • Field name: Socializer | ID: socializer

  • Field name: Innovator | ID: innovator

  • Field name: Observer | ID: observer

  • Field name: Adventurer | ID: adventurer

These fields will hold the cumulative scores for each personality type.

Step 3: Add ending pages for each personality type

Create separate ending pages for each personality type to display the final result based on the user’s dominant score.

success pages

These ending pages will offer personalized feedback, making the experience more interactive.


  1. Use the default success page for the first personality type.

  2. Create a new ending page for other personality types (in this example, you should create 3 more ending pages).

  3. Add a descriptive title and relevant content to each ending page.

Example pages:

  • Socializer personality ending page: “You are a Socializer, thriving in social interactions!”

  • Innovator personality ending page: “You are an Innovator, always finding creative solutions!”

  • Observer personality ending page: “You are an Observer, carefully analyzing situations!”

  • Adventurer personality ending page: “You are an Adventurer, embracing challenges and new experiences!”

Make sure each page clearly reflects the traits of the corresponding personality type.

Step 4: Add logic to calculate personality scores

Once your questions and variables are set up, it’s time to add the logic that will calculate the scores for each personality type based on the user’s answers.

add logic and calculation


  1. Go to the Logic tab in your Formaloo editor.

  2. For each question, create a logic rule that assigns points to the corresponding personality type.

Example Logic for Question 1:

  • If the user selects Option 1 (Weigh the pros and cons carefully), add 1 score to the Socializer variable.

  • If the user selects Option 2 (Trust your gut feeling), add 1 score to the Innovator variable.

  • If the user selects Option 3 (Seek advice from others), add 1 score to the Observer variable.

  • If the user selects Option 4 (I like to have all the information), add 1 score to the Adventurer variable.

Repeat this process for each quiz question, ensuring that each answer option adds points to the appropriate personality type.

Step 5: Add logic to redirect based on the highest score

Once the quiz is completed and the scores are calculated, you need to compare the scores and redirect users to the result page that matches their highest personality type.

logic on submitting the form


  1. Go to the Advanced Logic button and set up comparison logic.

  2. Scroll down to the end of the logic page and add the logic "On submitting the form" section.

  3. For each personality type, create a logic rule that checks if its score is the highest.

Example logic:

  • If the Innovator is the highest, After submitting go to the Innovator ending page.

  • If the Observer is the highest, After submitting go to the Observer ending page.

  • If the Adventurer is the highest, After submitting go to the Adventurer ending page.

Now add the last step in the "Otherwise" condition:

Otherwise, after submission go to the Socializer ending page.

Make sure to include all personality types in this comparison to ensure the user is redirected to the correct result page based on their dominant score.

Step 6: Test your personality quiz

Before sharing your quiz, it’s important to test it thoroughly to make sure the logic, calculations, and redirections are working as expected. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Preview the form to check how the questions, options, and scoring behave.

  2. Submit multiple test entries with different answers to see if the correct ending page appears based on the highest score.

  3. Make adjustments to any logic or variables if needed to ensure the quiz is functioning smoothly.

🧩 Template:

To save time, you can use and customize our pre-built personality quiz templates from the Formaloo template gallery:

Simply choose a template and start building your own personality quiz!

Creating a personality quiz in Formaloo is a great way to engage users and provide personalized feedback.

By setting up questions, assigning scores to personality types, and using logic to calculate the dominant type, you can offer a seamless and interactive quiz experience.

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